Cum ajungi Sighisoara este considerata cea mai frumoasa cetate medievala locuita din Europa. Perla Transilvaniei a fost intemeiata in 1191 de catre colonistii germani veniti in Transilvania in secolele al XII-lea si al XIII-lea. Cetatea Sighisoarei s-a ridicat din comert si mestesugarie. Cetatea Sighisoara are un zid lung de 930 m, cu 14 turnuri al […]
Archive for the ‘Travels’ Category


Statiunea turistica Straja este localizata in judetul Hunedoara, la o altitudine de 1445 de metri, in Muntii Valcan, zona Valea Jiului. Straja este nou aparuta pe harta turistica a Romaniei, fiind declarata statiune turistica locala in anul 2002. Sezonul de ski dureaza din decembrie pana in martie. In Straja sunt amenajate 7 partii de ski, […]

Ghid turistic Cluj Napoca

Cum ajungi Considerat „Inima Transilvaniei” sau „Orasul Comoara”, datorita prosperitatii inregistrate in perioada medievala, orasul Cluj isi cucereste azi turistii prin atmosfera sa speciala, ocolita parca de ritmul firesc al timpului, ii ademeneste cu numarul important de obiective turistice si ii convinge cu specialitatile culinare ardelenesti. Cu avionul In Cluj puteti ajunge cu avionul, cu trenul sau […]

7 Top Tourist Attractions in Rome

No, not the 7 hills but the 7 tourist attractions in Rome. Having been the center of one of the world’s greatest civilizations ever, Rome has exerted a huge influence over the world in its millennium long history. With wonderful palaces, ancient churches and basilicas, grand Roman monuments, ornate statues and graceful fountains, Rome has […]


Location Southern Carpathians (Hunedoara county) Size 94,000 acres Best known for – Its more than 80 glacial lakes, including the largest – Bucura (8.8 ha./22 acres), and the deepest – Zanoaga (29 m/92ft) in the country – The highest number (over 20) of mountain peaks over 2,000m/6,560 ft. in Romania – Being the oldest […]


Location Southern Carpathians (Arges and Brasov counties) Size 91,000 acres Best known for The most spectacular ridge in the Carpathian Mountains. […]

Prejmer Fortified Church – ( UNESCO World Heritage Site )

Location: Transylvania – Central Romania Nearby large towns: Brasov (11 miles southwest) Nearest train station: Prejmer The largest fortified church in southeastern Europe, Prejmer (Tartlau in German) was built by Teutonic knights in 1212-1213. The powerful surrounding walls are 40 feet high and 10-15 feet thick. Historical records attest that in its 500 years of existence, […]

Corvinesti Castle

Location: Hunedoara – Central Romania Nearest train station: Hunedoara Address: Str. Castelului 1 Telephone: (254) 711.423 [email protected] Open: (May – August) Tue. – Sun. 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Mon. 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (March – April) Tue. – Sun. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Mon. 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (September – February) […]

Fagaras Fortress

Location: Transylvania – Central Romania Nearby large towns: Sibiu (44 miles west) and Brasov (45 miles east) Nearest train station: Fagaras Open: Tue. – Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; Sat. – Sun. 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.; Closed Mon. Admission charge Built in 1310 on the site of a former 12th century wooden […]